ACA Longbow


Sunday 30th June 2024




10:30 AM for 11:00 AM Sighters


2 Way Western; 4 dozen at 60yd and 4 dozen at 50yd
followed by a
Wand Shoot

New – Bow Styles Allowed

Open to any unsighted bow style;
Long Bow, Barebow Recurve, Barebow Compound, American Flatbow, Traditional/Hunter etc.
Let Mike White know if you are shooting


1st Overall Senior Trophy and Medal Highest Hits
2nd Overall Senior Medal Highest Score
3rd Overall Senior Medal Highest number of Golds
1st Overall Junior Medal Highest Hits

The Upshot Trophy – For the best gold of the shoot, any archer, at an end nominated by the club captain or his deputy on the day of the shoot. Trophy and Medal awarded

The Wand – to be shot with six arrows/archer. Starting at 5yds, any hit and the archer goes to the next round at 10yds. Continue moving back 5yds at a time, until only one archer hits. Medal awarded only.